ACLU Asks Federal Court to File “Friend of the Court” Brief in Support of Obama Administration’s Contraception Mandate

Washington, D.C. (October 23, 2013) — The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which bills itself as the “nation’s guardian of liberty,” filed a motion in D.C. federal court on Monday, asking that the court grant it permission to submit a “friend of the court” brief in favor of the recently…

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Lawyers for Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Ask Federal Court to Order King County to Run Anti-Terrorism Bus Advertisement Picturing 16 Muslim Terrorists

Seattle, Washington (October 10, 2013) — Late yesterday, the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC), a national, nonprofit Judeo-Christian law firm, filed a motion asking the federal court in Seattle, Washington, to order the King County transit authorities to run Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer’s anti-terrorism advertisement “forthwith” because the County’s…

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Seattle Area Transit Authority Refuses to Run Anti-Terrorism Advertisement for Fear of Offending Muslims; Federal Lawsuit Filed

Seattle, Washington (October 7, 2013): On October 7, the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against King County, Washington, for refusing to run an anti-terrorism advertisement that displayed photographs of global terrorists from the FBI’s most wanted list.  The lawsuit was filed in the United States District…

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