Month in Review – December 2016

Here are the highlights for December 2016: * On December 5, we filed a motion in a Dallas, Texas court seeking dismissal of the defamation lawsuit filed against our clients, the Center for Security Policy and Jim Hanson, by Mohamed Mohamed on his own behalf and on behalf of his…

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Federal Circuit Court of Appeals Finds First Amendment Applies to Trademarks and Rules that “Disparaging” Cannot Be Used to Deny Expressive Trademarks Like “Stop Islamisation of America”

As a kind of Christmas present to liberty and the U.S. Constitution, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, sitting en banc (the entire court), today reversed more than 30-years of jurisprudence by holding that trademark registration under the Lanham Act deserves First Amendment protection.  The import of this holding is…

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Month in Review – October 2015

We are pleased to report to you our highlights for the month of October: On October 3, AFLC Co-Founder & Senior Counsel Robert J. Muise gave a presentation on fighting for faith and freedom to a Catholic men’s group in Lake Orion, Michigan. On October 9, we filed our reply…

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Month in Review – August 2015

We are pleased to report to you our highlights for the month of August: On August 17, we filed our opening brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in a case in which a federal judge presiding over a five-year old lawsuit alleging that the Council on American-Islamic…

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