Lifting the Pandemic Veil

Yesterday, we filed a full-throated response to Governor Whitmer’s motion to dismiss our lawsuit challenging her draconian and unconstitutional restrictions on our liberty.   As we saw with recent events, the quickest way to end a pandemic is apparently through rioting for “social justice” — so long as…

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Month in Review – May 2020

Our fight against tyranny during this COVID-19 “pandemic” continues.  Here are the highlights for May: * On May 4, we filed a full-throated response to a brief filed by Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who recently intervened in the lawsuit we filed in federal court in Minnesota…

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A Memorial Day Message from AFLC

Please take a moment today to say a prayer for our veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice.  We must never forget all that they have done for us.  Indeed, we enjoy the freedoms we have today because of them. As Ronald Reagan famously observed, “Freedom is never…

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Month in Review – April 2020

Due to the tyrannical response to COVID-19 by some Governors, we have been exceedingly busy this month.  Here are the highlights: * On April 1, we filed a civil rights lawsuit against Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and the City of Detroit, challenging the constitutionality of the Governor’s Executive Order…

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Month in Review – March 2020

Here are our highlights for March “madness”—as COVID-19 has radically changed the lives of so many of us in so many ways.  As you can see, we remain hard at work, defending faith and freedom! * On March 9, the parties held a status conference in the…

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We Remain Vigilant!

In 1971, the U.S. Supreme Court stated the following: “In times of unrest, whether caused by crime or racial conflict or fear of internal subversion [or, we would add, fear of a pandemic], this basic law [the Fourth Amendment right against unlawful search and seizures] and the…

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Month in Review – February 2020

Here are our highlights for February: * On February 19, we filed a response to the City’s motion to dismiss and a response to Chief Jordan’s motion to dismiss the lawsuit we filed against them in federal court in Oklahoma for firing our client, Wayne Brown, a…

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Month in Review – January 2020

We started off 2020 with a bang!  Here are our highlights for January: * On January 6, we served the City of Tulsa, Oklahoma and its Chief of Police with the First Amended Complaint we filed in our lawsuit against them for firing our client, Wayne Brown,…

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Month in Review – December 2019

As we complete our eighth year at AFLC, and look forward to another successful year in 2020, we present to you our highlights for a very busy December: * On December 6, AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi argued our motion for attorneys’ fees in the…

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Month in Review – November 2019

Here are the highlights for November: * On November 7, AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi spoke to a full house in San Diego on the subject of Jew hatred and how it is being driven by Islamic Jew hatred, itself driven by Sharia or Islamic…

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