Month in Review – December 2021

As we wrap up another busy year, here are highlights for December: * On December 1, AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert Muise attended an event in Washington, D.C. for those attorneys and organizations that filed briefs in the Dobbs case, an important case that could overturn…

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Month in Review – November 2021

Here are highlights for November: * On November 1, we filed our reply brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in our lawsuit against the City of Detroit and several City police officers, challenging their enforcement of various restrictions that prohibited pro-lifers from…

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Month in Review – October 2021

Here are highlights for October: * On October 4, we filed an emergency motion for an injunction pending appeal in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit in our ongoing battle for religious freedom on behalf of Catholic Healthcare International, Inc. (“CHI”). In this case,…

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Month in Review – September 2021

Here are the highlights for an exceedingly busy September: * On September 2, a federal appellate court struck down a Bloomington, Minnesota ordinance that forbade photographing children in City parks, ruling that the ordinance is a violation of the First Amendment. The U.S. Court of Appeals for…

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Month in Review – August 2021

Here are the highlights for August: * On August 2, our opening brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit was due in our case challenging the City of Detroit’s draconian speech restrictions imposed during the Democratic Party presidential candidate debates, which were held…

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Month in Review – July 2021

Here are the highlights for July: * On July 5, we filed our response in opposition to the motion to dismiss filed by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, his Attorney General, and his Secretary of Health in our federal civil rights lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania’s mask mandate, contact tracing…

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Month in Review – June 2021

Here are the highlights for June: * On June 2, we filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Genoa Charter Township and the Township’s Ordinance Officer. In this lawsuit, we allege that the Township and its officials violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution,…

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Month in Review – May 2021

Here are the highlights for May: * On May 12, AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert Muise participated in oral argument before a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit in our case filed on behalf of Sally Ness. In this lawsuit,…

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Month in Review – April 2021

April was mostly a month of preparation—preparation for potentially two new federal lawsuits involving social media censorship (Twitter and Facebook) and the Biden administration.  Stay tuned for more on that! * On April 5, we filed our reply brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the…

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Month in Review – March 2021

With COVID causing huge delays in the courts (and huge delays with getting justice), we wanted to give you a quick update as part of this monthly report of several important cases that are awaiting action from the courts. *But first, we are pleased to announce that…

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