Victory Likely for Pro-life Group in Legal Battle with Abortion Clinic

Yesterday, David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise, Co-Founders and Senior Counsel of the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC), presented argument in federal court in California in defense of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Inc. (CBR), a pro-life organization that was sued by an abortion clinic for copyright infringement.…

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AFLC Month in Review: May 2012

  It has been another blessed month for the American Freedom Law Center as we continue to fight every day for your faith and freedom in the courtrooms, the legislative halls, and in the public square. When we founded AFLC, we chose Isaiah 40:31 for our inspiration.…

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Kansas Governor Signs ALAC Legislation

Earlier this week, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed into law a measure that prevents Kansas courts from applying foreign laws, like sharia, when deciding cases. The measure is based upon American Laws for American Courts (ALAC), the model legislation drafted by American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) Co-Founder and Senior Counsel…

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Center for Security Policy honors Judge Michael B. Mukasey

Last night, AFLC Advisory Board member Andrew C. McCarthy presented former U.S. Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey with the 2012 Freedom Flame Award, which is awarded annually by the Center for Security Policy (CSP). CSP’s President and Founder, Frank Gaffney, is another AFLC Advisory Board member; and…

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Naming the Enemy

  It is well-known that by refusing to identify sharia-driven Islam as the enemy in the War on Terror, the Obama administration has seriously undermined the ability to combat this existential threat to American security.  Naming or identifying the enemy is important because it allows us to…

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AFLC Month in Review: April 2012

God continues to bless our work and multiply our time so that the American Freedom Law Center can be your voice and your advocate in the courtrooms across America.  As you can see, AFLC is action-oriented.  A lot of organizations talk about making a difference – we…

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Islamic Law Conference in Dearborn a Success

Yesterday, AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert Muise had the honor of giving a presentation to a large audience at the “Islamic Law in America” conference hosted by AFLC clients Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dearborn, Michigan. Geller and Spencer invited Muise…

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