Fox News Reports on AFLC’s Challenge to the Obamacare Contraception Mandate

As reported by Fox News yesterday, Senior Counsel Robert Muise and David Yerushalmi presented oral argument in D.C. federal court yesterday in AFLC’s challenge to the recently announced regulations enforcing the Obamacare contraceptive services mandate against religious organizations.  See below for the primetime Fox News story, which…

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On Hate Crimes, Urban Myths, and Facts

In a world where the Islamophobia and liberal-progressive narratives seem to reign supreme and where cable comics like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert can easily riff on the bigotry of Southerners while mocking the Supreme Court’s recent decision to undo a key provision of the civil rights-era…

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A Thanksgiving Message

On October 3, 1789, President George Washington issued a Thanksgiving Proclamation, stating that “it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor. . .”…

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Andrew C. McCarthy: “Obamacare is a Massive Fraudulent Scheme”

There is no doubt, as AFLC Advisory Board Member Andrew C. McCarthy says in his latest article on National Review Online, that “Obamacare is a massive fraudulent scheme.” For years, President Obama has famously — or infamously — promised (or declared by quasi-royal decree) that Americans could keep…

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Veterans Day

The American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) would like to honor the men and women who have served our Nation in the United States Armed Forces. On this Veterans Day, let us remember the courage and dedication of our veterans who have bravely performed their sacred obligations to…

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AFLC Month in Review: October 2013

October was another busy and productive month for the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC), all of which was made possible by your generous support.  Here are some of the highlights: On October 1, a federal magistrate judge issued a “report and recommendation,” recommending that AFLC’s civil rights lawsuit against several…

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Andrew C. McCarthy on “The Social Security Fable”

AFLC Advisory Board Member Andrew C. McCarthy penned another excellent article in National Review, in which he argues that Social Security was by design and operation a welfare program that masqueraded as an insurance claim. McCarthy points out that FDR and his fellow New Dealers were concerned that…

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