USPTO: Enforcer of Political Correctness

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) canceled the Washington Redskins trademark registration today, ruling that the name is demeaning and disparaging to Native Americans. The USPTO’s issuing of politically-correct fiats is nothing new. As you may know, we are asking the United States Supreme Court to…

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Obama Alone Not to Blame for Jihadist Resurgence

In his latest article inĀ National Review,Ā AFLC Advisory Board Member Andrew C. McCarthy takes aim at “Beltway Republicans” who are blaming President Obama alone for the jihadist resurgence in Iraq. While Obama’s foreign policy of appeasement to Islamists has undermined American national security and destabilized the Middle East,…

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AFLC Asks Full Court to Review and Reverse Outrageous Decision

While courts often make erroneous decisions, particularly in controversial, politically-incorrect cases involving First Amendment freedoms, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuitā€™s recent decision in theĀ caseĀ of Captain Paul Fields, the Tulsa police officer who was summarily punished for objecting on religious grounds to an order…

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AFLC Month in Review: May 2014

We are pleased to report to you each month our significant activities and accomplishments, all of which are made possible by your generous support. Ā Here are the highlights for May 2014: On May 8, AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert MuiseĀ presented oral argumentĀ in the U.S. Court of…

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Memorial Day Message from AFLC

Please take a moment today to thank a veteran and his or her family for the sacrifices they have made for us and our blessed Nation.Ā  And especially, take a moment to say a prayer for those veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice.Ā  We must never…

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Sudanese Woman Renounces Islam, Sentenced to Death

Our good friends and allies at the Center for Security Policy (CSP) issued a statement today highlighting the imprisonment of a Sudanese woman and her 20-month old American citizen child. The woman was arrested and sentenced to death because her American husband helped her convert to Christianity.Ā CSP’s…

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Fighting “Civilizational Jihad” through Lawfare . . . and Winning!

When the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), the government agency that operates the public transit system in Washington, D.C., refused to display a pro-Israel / anti-jihad advertisement in 2012, the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) filed a federal civil rights lawsuit on behalf of the proponents…

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A Commentary on Emily Letts’ Viral ā€œAbortion Videoā€

AFLCā€™s good friend, client, and champion of the pro-life cause, Gregg Cunningham, the executive director of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Inc., wrote an insightful email response to a woman who asked him about the Emily Letts ā€œabortion videoā€ that has gone viral on YouTube. Ā As you…

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AFLC Month in Review: April 2014

We are pleased to report to you each month our significant activities and accomplishments, all of which are made possible by your generous support. Ā Here are the highlights for April 2014: On April 10, AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert Muise gave a speech at the Independent…

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