Month in Review – February 2015

We didn’t let the weather slow us down in February!  Here are some of the highlights for the month: *On February 2, 2015, AFLC was retained by Jan Morgan and The Gun Cave Indoor Firing Range.  Ms. Morgan recently came under fire by the ACLU and the…

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What Islamists Really Want

Most of you have probably not seen this recent article, What Isis Really Wants, published by The Atlantic.  Even though it is quite long, it is well worth reading.  The author does an excellent job of parsing the theology and properly ridiculing the Obama administration’s takfirism, the…

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Month in Review – January 2015

We started 2015 where we left off in 2014: aggressively fighting for faith and freedom in the courts, legislative halls, and public squares throughout the country. Here are some of the highlights for January 2015: *On January 9, AFLC filed its post-hearing brief in support of its…

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Fighting Global Jihad . . . A Strategy for Winning

The American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) is the leading public interest law firm fighting civilization jihad in America. AFLC’s close ally, the Center for Security Policy (CSP), is the leading public policy and education organization fighting the battle against global jihad.  To that end, CSP has recently…

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Abortion is Violence

On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that an unborn child was not a person and could therefore be killed for any reason whatsoever.  The high court also declared that killing an unborn child was not only permissible, it was a constitutional right.  As a…

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Reality is stranger than fiction

Can you imagine a made-for-television movie where a South American government agrees to cover-up a massive terrorist bombing of a Jewish community center planned and financed by Iran and carried out by Hezbollah? Can you imagine the plot line thickening as a courageous special prosecutor, who had…

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“Lawfare” and the Freedom of Speech

This post is intended to be an empirical data point in the demonstration of the good and proper use of offensive lawfare—the work of AFLC. Two weeks ago yesterday, we published this post explaining that the San Francisco transit authority had agreed to run AFDI’s (Pamela Geller’s…

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Month in Review – December 2014

As always, we are committed to keeping you informed of the important work we are doing.  Below are some of the highlights for December 2014. *On December 1, AFLC announced that it filed a motion for a preliminary injunction asking a federal judge to order the New…

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“Lawfare” Victory for Free Speech

The American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) achieved another major legal victory for free speech by forcing, under threat of litigation, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) to display an advertisement that exposes Islam’s hatred of Jews and urges the U.S. Government to stop all aid to…

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Month in Review – November 2014

Please know that we are committed to keeping you informed of the work we are doing at AFLC.  And we do this for three principal reasons.  First, to alert you to the many battles in which our faith and freedoms are under attack.  Second, to demonstrate more clearly…

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