Here are the highlights for February: * On February 6, we filed a First Amended Complaint in our federal lawsuit against Newfield Township, Michigan, a local marijuana establishment, and several local and state officials for permitting the operation of the marijuana facility, which is a public nuisance… Read More
As we begin yet another year fighting for faith and freedom, here are the highlights for January: * On January 7, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit issued its decision reversing a lower court’s dismissal of the federal civil rights lawsuit we filed on… Read More
As we wrap up yet another year fighting for faith and freedom, here are the highlights for December: * On December 2, we filed a response to the Genoa Township’s motion to file yet another supplemental brief in our case challenging the Township’s patently unlawful refusal to… Read More
Here are the highlights for November: * On November 12, we filed an opening brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, appealing the lower district court’s refusal to vacate a gag order preventing AFLC and our clients from discussing the “Baby Doe” case… Read More
Here are the highlights for October: * On October 1, we filed our reply brief in the Michigan Supreme Court, seeking review of our case where we are representing several pro-lifers who peacefully entered an abortion center in the City of Southfield, Michigan in April 2022. The… Read More
Here are the highlights for September. As you can see, it was a very busy month! Please consider supporting our efforts with a tax-deductible donation. We need ammo for the fight as all of our legal work is pro bono (for the good)! * On September 6, a… Read More
Here are the highlights for August: * On August 6, we filed our reply in support of our application for leave to appeal to the Michigan Supreme Court the convictions of four pro-life rescuers. The rescuers peacefully entered an abortion center in Flint, Michigan to hand our… Read More
Here are the highlights for July: * On July 16, we, along with Notre Dame Law Professor Gerard Bradley, filed a “friend of the court” brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in the case of Kluge v. Brownsburg Community School Corporation. The… Read More
Here are the highlights for June: * On June 6, we sent a letter to the Saginaw County Sheriff (Michigan) on behalf of members of a pro-life group, alerting the Sheriff that an abortion center has constructed an underground sprinkler system in the public right of way,… Read More
Here are the highlights for May: * On May 3, 2024, we filed a motion to dismiss the politically-motivated criminal case brought against our client, Andy Hess, by the Oakland County Prosecutor, a member of the Democratic Party. The Democratic prosecutor charged Hess with “making a terrorist… Read More