Florida House Passes Anti-Sharia Bill

Read the AP story about the Florida version of the American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) bill, which yesterday passed in the Florida House.  In a word, ALAC simply prevents a state court judge from running amok and applying a foreign law, like sharia, that violates a party’s fundamental constitutional liberties.…

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Obama Offers Prisoner-swap in Exchange for Release of Americans in Egypt

Andy McCarthy, American Freedom Law Center Advisory Board member, reports as follows: The AP reports that Egypt’s transitional military government has lifted a travel ban against seven of the 16 Americans currently being tried for their work with organizations that allegedly took illegal foreign contributions — work that incited…

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Obamacare, Contraception, and the Constitution

Contraception is very much in the news today.  Obama’s mandate that private employers provide contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients to their employees under penalty of federal law has brought it to the front page.  As you know, the American Freedom Law Center is challenging the constitutionality of this…

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Pennsylvania’s Sharia Court

Read this report of sharia in a Pennsylvania court by AFLC Advisory Board Member Andrew C. McCarthy. AFLC’s co-founder, David Yerushalmi, drafted American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) because of the threat of Civilizational Jihad where the sharia faithful seek to impose sharia as the law of…

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AFLC’s First Month in Review

We are pleased to report to you that the American Freedom Law Center and its lawyers have had a busy and exceedingly productive first month.  On January 23, 2012, AFLC officially launched as a new, nonprofit, Judeo-Christian law firm. Since that date, AFLC lawyers have accomplished the…

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AFLC Co-Founders Muise and Yerushalmi on CBN’s Stakelbeck on Terror

AFLC Co-Founders and Senior Counsel Robert Muise and David Yerushalmi provided an exclusive interview that aired on February 21, 2012 on CBN’s Stakelbeck on Terror.  During the interview, they discussed the founding of AFLC and several important AFLC cases fighting sharia in America.  Watch this informative program here. …

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AFLC Challenges Obama’s “Contraception” Mandate in NY Federal Court

Today, the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC), along with co-counsel and civil rights attorney Charles S. Limandri, filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, challenging the constitutionality of the Obama administration’s “contraception” mandate.  The lawsuit was filed on behalf of…

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