Notre Dame Faculty Attack a Bishop

by AFLC Advisory Board member Charles Rice, Professor Emeritus at Notre Dame Law School On April 14, Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C., of Peoria, Illinois, delivered a courageous homily at Mass during “A Call to Catholic Men of Faith.” Bishop Jenky said, “This fall, every practicing Catholic…

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AFLC Highlighted in Left-wing “Counter-Jihad” Report

A left-wing British organization, HOPE not hate, whose mission is to “celebrate diversity,” recently released a report on the “counter-jihad” movement, to which, according to their website, “you will find the largest and most comprehensive survey of anti-Muslim and Islamophobic organisations to date.”  The American Freedom Law Center is…

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Sharia in the USA: The Persecution of Christians

When people ask, “What evidence do you have to show that sharia (Islamic) law is adversely affecting our constitutional freedoms?,” we point to Dearborn, Michigan as Exhibit A. It is no coincidence that Dearborn (referred to by many as Dearbornistan) has the largest, concentrated Muslim population in…

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AFLC’s Month in Review: March 2012

We are pleased to report that the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) and its lawyers, Co-Founders Robert Muise and David Yerushalmi, have had a very busy and productive second month―praise God.  As you know, AFLC officially launched on January 23, 2012, and we previously reported to you…

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Individual Mandate Under Fire in Day Two of Obamacare Oral Arguments

Reports from today’s oral argument in the U.S. Supreme Court have not been good for the Obama administration. Since the focus of today’s two-hour argument was the constitutionality of the individual mandate, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli was grilled early and often – particularly by Justice Anthony Kennedy, considered…

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