WorldNetDaily: Outrage Over Mob Attack in Michigan

WorldNetDaily, a leading conservative news network, has published an exclusive article detailing the recent Muslim stoning of Christians at the 2012 Arab International Festival held in Dearborn, Michigan. The article claims that the Muslims’ violence, which was captured on video, was “[r]eminiscent of a rock-throwing ‘intifada’ scene…

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An Independence Day Message from AFLC

On July 4, 1776, the greatest nation in the history of mankind was born—a nation that understood that God was the source of true freedom and that there were certain “inalienable” rights that no man or government could either grant or deny—the rights to life, liberty, and…

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AFLC Month in Review: June 2012

This was yet another busy and blessed month for the American Freedom Law Center.  In many respects, it was bittersweet.  We had a major victory in a pro-life speech case in federal court in California.  However, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down rulings in the Arizona immigration…

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On the “General Welfare” Clause

AFLC Advisory Board Member Andrew C. McCarthy weighed in on today’s historic Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare by taking issue with the progressive interpretation of the Constitution’s General Welfare clause. While Mr. McCarthy’s focus is correct (i.e., the destructive nature of the progressive premise), the fact is…

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