AFLC Month in Review: May 2013

As America continues to endure the challenges of secular progressivism and radical Islam, AFLC remains vigilant in its mission to defend faith and freedom all across the Nation.  Indeed, May was another incredibly busy month for the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC), thanks to the generous support…

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AFLC Month in Review: April 2013

April was another incredibly busy month for the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC).  Indeed, during this month, AFLC filed two new and important federal civil rights lawsuits defending religious freedom and the freedom of speech. As always, we are pleased to report to you each month AFLC’s significant activities…

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Understanding the Islamic Bombing of the Boston Marathon [VIDEO]

In the wake of the terrorist attacks at the Boston Marathon last week, the mainstream media are swiftly downplaying any suggestion that the attacks were conducted by sharia-adherent Islamists. Indeed, the media argues the Qur’an states that Islam forbids the killing of innocents.  In the video below, David Wood,…

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AFLC Files FOIA Request over DHS and Southern Poverty Law Center’s Targeting of “Rightwing Extremists”

Today, AFLC filed a Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”)  request with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, seeking all information tying the radically-Left Southern Poverty Law Center—which profiles AFLC and Co-Founder and Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi, among other conservatives, on its website—to DHS’s efforts to target “rightwing…

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Islam: Political or Religious?

Yesterday, AFLC filed a notice of appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in response to the Trademark Trial & Appeal Board’s (TTAB) affirmance of the denial of the “Stop Islamisation of America” or “SIOA” trademark application, which was sought by anti-sharia advocates Pamela Geller and Robert…

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AFLC Month in Review: March 2013

In recent weeks, the war against marriage, religious freedom, and the Second Amendment has intensified as secular progressives – led by Barack Obama – charge ahead with their ultimate goal of destroying America and her Judeo-Christian values.  In spite of these troubled times, the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) remains undeterred in…

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Who Says Marriage is Between a Man and a Woman? Answer: God.

This week, the Supreme Court will hear argument regarding whether homosexual “marriage” is the legal equivalent of traditional marriage and therefore protected under the Constitution.  Regardless of the Court’s decision, one thing is clear: the Court cannot by judicial fiat change transcendent truths. Christian teaching on marriage…

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AFLC Files Letter Brief in Priests for Life’s HHS Mandate Challenge

Today, the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) filed a letter brief in its legal challenge of the HHS mandate on behalf of Priests for Life.  An excerpt of the letter follows: Plaintiff Priests for Life (“Plaintiff”) hereby respectfully submits this response to the two “notice of supplemental authority” letters…

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Gun Control and the Tyranny of the Left

Our Constitution is designed to accomplish two very important objectives: (1) to prevent tyranny and (2) to protect liberty. Our Founders understood all too well that freedom decreases as the power of government—particularly the power of a centralized, federal government—increases. In addition to drafting a Constitution that…

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