Homosexuality, Morality & the Reciprocal

The (allegedly) Republican Governor of NJ, Chris Christie, recently made headlines (and received accolades from secular progressive liberals) when he banned “gay conversion therapy,” thus normalizing deviance.  See http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/08/19/nj-gov-christie-signs-ban-on-gay-conversion-therapy/. In 2009, AFLC’s Co-Founder and Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi penned an insightful essay that, in light of the Governor’s…

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Jihadists as Enemies of Islam?

On Saturday, the State Department released a press release condemning the recent deadly attacks in Baghdad.  What’s interesting about this is that the United States government is now taking a quite public and official position on what is good for Islam qua Islam: “The United States condemns in…

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Is Islam a Religion of Peace?

Last night, AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert J. Muise participated in a televised discussion on the Fox 2 Detroit program, Let It Rip, in which he debated a Muslim “inter-faith” activist about the relevance of a public discussion of whether Islam is a religion of peace.…

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USA TODAY: “More States Move to Ban Foreign Law in Courts”

USA TODAY released an article on Sunday highlighting the  growing number of state legislatures proposing or enacting the American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) legislation, which was drafted by AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi. ALAC is designed to prohibit the application of foreign law, including, but…

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AFLC Month in Review: July 2013

This past month was another incredibly busy month for the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) — all thanks to your generous support.  Accordingly, AFLC is pleased to report to you our significant activities and accomplishments for July 2013: On July 1, Omar Alomari, a Muslim and former…

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AFLC Month in Review: June 2013

The American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) is pleased to report to you each month its significant activities and accomplishments, all of which are made possible by your generous support. Here are the highlights for June 2013: On June 4, AFLC filed a federal civil rights lawsuit in…

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AFLC Comments on Supreme Court Marriage Decision

AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert J. Muise comments on the recent Supreme Court ruling that struck down a provision of the Defense of Marriage Act.

On June 6, 2013, AFLC Co-Founder & Senior Counsel Robert Muise had the honor of speaking at the Western Connecticut Military Officers Association’s 38th Annual Young American Awards, where he was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation. Video is below.

National security expert Patrick A. Poole has just released a groundbreaking new report that examines the federal government’s fatal outreach to Islamic groups with ties to terrorism. Specifically, Poole calls into question the federal government’s ongoing practice of naming certain Islamic groups supporters of terror then in…

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