Sharia-Compliant Financing Getting a Foothold in London Markets

A recent article in the Financial Times discusses London’s fixation to drive more banking services into its financial district by reaching out to Islamic investors. According to the article: “While others in the western world resist change, this government is embracing it: banging the drum for British…

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New York Appellate Court Decision Highlights Need for ALAC

A recent New York appellate court decision is an example of where American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) legislation would have been applicable and helpful by protecting U.S. and N.Y. constitutional principles of Due Process. The plaintiffs in this case were citizens of United Kingdom and France,…

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Toxic Libya

Following the ongoing discussion of Libya on this blog, we highlight here a recent op-ed in the Washington Post by David Ignatius, who argues that although there has been progress over the past two years to stabilize the fledgling Libyan government, the Benghazi disaster has seriously undermined that progress…

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Leviathan and the Welfare State

AFLC Advisory Board member Andrew C. McCarthy’s latest essay in National Review, entitled “The Republican Embrace of the Welfare State,”  confronts the disease from within the dying corpus that is our constitutional republic — a view from inside out as the deadly secretions of the Leviathon eat away…

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Libya and the “Way Forward”

According to recent news reports, Libya is on the verge of civil war. Interestingly, The New York Times published an op-ed that was a fair reporting of Libya’s erupting chaos and anarchy. Until the penultimate paragraph. Arguably due to space limitations and a goal not to deal…

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Avoiding the Truth about the Atrocities of the Syrian Rebels

Turns out, Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), relying on a lying, discredited, and conflicted “researcher” named Elizabeth O’Bagy, who claimed that the Syrian rebels were all about peace, freedom and representative government, are about as pathetically wrong as one could be.  When even a…

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AFLC Month in Review: September 2013

AFLC is pleased to report to you each month our significant activities and accomplishments, all of which are made possible by your generous support.  Here are the highlights for September 2013: On September 4, AFLC filed its response in opposition to a Detroit area transit agency’s (SMART)…

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Government “Shutdown” — A Fight for Our Constitution

The political process created by our Constitution was designed to cabin the power of the federal government, and this is particularly true when it comes to raising revenue (i.e., taxes) — an act that Americans have abhorred since the very first Tea Party in Boston. Our Founders…

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Obamacare Contraception Mandate “Moving Forward” during “Shutdown”—Yet Obama’s Lawyers Don’t Want Courts Ruling on Its Constitutionality

Today, the federal government — due to an alleged lack of funding to the Department of Justice — asked the judge handling AFLC’s federal lawsuit challenging the Obamacare contraception mandate on behalf of Priests for Life to delay the case.  When the government lawyer handling the case…

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