AFLC Month in Review: July 2014

We are pleased to report to you each month our significant activities and accomplishments, all of which are made possible by your generous support.  Here are the highlights for July 2014: On July 2, in a victory against “civilizational jihad,” a Michigan federal judge granted AFLC’s motion…

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AFLC’s Lawsuit against Obama Will Take Center Stage

Yesterday, Congress gave Boehner the green light to prepare his lawsuit against Obama.  Quite frankly, there are some serious issues (legal and political) with this course of action, as AFLC’s advisory board member and National Review writer Andy McCarthy discussed in a recent article in National Review Online. …

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An Independence Day Message from AFLC

Over two centuries ago today, the Continental Congress, with “a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence,” approved the final wording of the Declaration of Independence and henceforth forever altered the course of history. In that profound and immortal text, our Founding Fathers affirmed the self-evident…

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AFLC Month in Review: June 2014

We are pleased to report to you each month our significant activities and accomplishments, all of which are made possible by your generous support.  Here are the highlights for June 2014: On June 5, AFLC filed its petition for en banc (full court) review of an adverse ruling by a…

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Obama’s Feigned Surprise and Willful Blindness

The Obama administration has consistently remained in the dark — or so they say — about national and international crises and major scandals until they allegedly read about them in the news. Fox News highlights nine major domestic and foreign policy developments in which the Obama administration…

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USPTO: Enforcer of Political Correctness

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) canceled the Washington Redskins trademark registration today, ruling that the name is demeaning and disparaging to Native Americans. The USPTO’s issuing of politically-correct fiats is nothing new. As you may know, we are asking the United States Supreme Court to…

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