Obama’s Obstruction of Justice

On July 4th, the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. against President Obama, challenging his unlawful executive orders regarding the enforcement of Obamacare. Government lawyers from the Department of Justice promptly filed a motion to dismiss the…

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Month in Review – October 2014

We are pleased to report to you each month our significant activities and accomplishments, all of which are made possible by your generous support.  Below are the highlights for October 2014. On October 1, AFLC filed a federal lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern…

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Sixth Circuit Grants Full Court Review of Christian Speech Case

As we previously reported to you, on August 27, a divided, three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued its ruling in Bible Believers v. Wayne County, affirming 2 to 1 a lower court decision dismissing a civil rights lawsuit brought by the American Freedom…

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Month in Review – September 2014

We are pleased to report to you each month our significant activities and accomplishments, all of which are made possible by your generous support.  Below are the highlights for September 2014.  As you can see, this was an incredibly busy month. * On September 6, AFLC entered its appearance…

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Islamic illogic abounds . . . .

A well-known First Amendment law professor publicly denounces an Oklahoma state legislator for claiming Islam is not a religion because it condones violence to make political gains and achieve global conquest. Remarkably, however, the good professor remained conspicuously silent when President Obama used precisely the same logic when…

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Kerry’s Testimony Confirms: Islamic State is Islam

During Secretary of State John Kerry’s second day of testifying on Capitol Hill, today before the House Foreign Affairs Committee following yesterday’s hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Kerry emphasized that the Islamic State (what the Obama administration insists on calling by the legacy acronym ISIL)…

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Obama: ISIS (ISIL) is not Islamic nor a religion . . . Really?

No one is surprised by Obama’s statement during his most recent speech to the nation this past Wednesday that the Islamic State (sorry, excuse us, “ISIL” sans the articulation of “Islamic” anywhere in the nomenclature) has nothing to do with Islam.  Got it.  In fact, we’ll even…

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AFLC Seeks Full Court Review of “Dangerously Wrong” Decision

Today, AFLC filed a petition for rehearing en banc, asking the full Sixth Circuit to review and reverse a “dangerously wrong” split decision (2 to 1) by a three-judge panel which allowed Muslim violence to suppress the free speech rights of Christians.  Quoting from a prior federal…

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Month in Review – August 2014

As always, we are pleased to report to you each month our significant activities and accomplishments, all of which are made possible by your generous support.  Here are the highlights for August 2014: * On August 1, AFLC filed its “reply brief” in the U.S. Court of…

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CAIR Continues Attack on Free Speech

As we previously reported here, a U.S. Magistrate Judge in Ann Arbor, Michigan granted our motion to “quash” harassing and burdensome subpoenas issued by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) to Ms. Zaba Davis, a private citizen who received the subpoenas because she publicly expressed her opposition…

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