Month in Review – May 2018

Here are the highlights for May 2018: * Throughout the month of May, we continued to prepare for trial in the Urth Caffe litigation, in which seven women claimed they were subjected to religious discrimination when the Urth Caffe staff asked them to leave after the women…

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Month in Review – April 2018

Here are the highlights for April 2018: * On April 10, we announced our free speech victory in a lawsuit we filed against the City of Westland, Michigan on behalf of Pastor Dan McGhee, a pro-life demonstrator who challenged the constitutionality of the City’s disturbing the peace ordinance.…

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Month in Review – March 2018

Here are the highlights for March 2018: * On March 1, our amicus curiae brief filed in support of President Trump’s proclamation restricting travel from certain countries was received by the U.S. Supreme Court.  The brief was filed on behalf of seven national security experts: Andrew C.…

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Month in Review – February 2018

Here are the highlights for a very busy February 2018: * On February 1, we filed a motion for summary judgment in our lawsuit seeking to stop the construction of a mega-mosque in the middle of a Chaldean Christian neighborhood in the City of Sterling Heights, Michigan. …

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Month in Review – January 2018

Here are the highlights for January 2018: * On January 8, we had a pre-trial hearing in Saiyed et al. v. the Council on American-Islamic Relations.  In this case, AFLC is representing five plaintiffs who were victims of a CAIR fraud.  Just recently, CAIR filed a motion…

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Month in Review – December 2017

Here are the highlights for December 2017: * On December 4, 6, 13, and 19, we defended the depositions of our clients and took depositions of witnesses for the City of Sterling Heights, Michigan in our lawsuit seeking to stop the construction of a mega-mosque that was…

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Month in Review – November 2017

Here are the highlights for November 2017: * On November 2, we filed an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in our case (AFDI v. King County) challenging as a violation of the First Amendment King County’s rejection of our clients’ “Faces…

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Month in Review – October 2017

Here are the highlights for October 2017: * On October 2, the United States Patent and Trademark Office was forced to publish for registration the trademark Stop the Islamization of America (“SIOA”) on behalf of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.  In approximately 30 days, SIOA will be…

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Month in Review – September 2017

Here are the highlights for September 2017: * On September 6, all criminal charges against Cal Zastrow were dismissed with prejudice. AFLC represented Mr. Zastrow, a pro-life demonstrator who was unlawfully arrested by police officers from the City of Westland, Michigan for allegedly disturbing the peace when…

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Month in Review – August 2017

Here are the highlights for August 2017: * On August 3, we entered our appearance in the case of People of the City of Westland v. Calvin John Zastrow.  In this criminal case, AFLC is representing Cal Zastrow, a pro-life demonstrator who was unlawfully arrested by police officers…

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