AFLC Month in Review: July 2012

We just wrapped up another busy month at the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC), highlighted by two major First Amendment victories. To be sure, religious liberty and freedom of speech are under attack these days more than ever. Nonetheless, we hope that you are encouraged – as…

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American Spectator Article: Is Huma Abedin the new Alger Hiss?

It is well-known by now that the the Republican Establishment in Washington, D.C. is going after Rep. Michele Bachmann for being  a leader in the fight against sharia-adherent Islam. Indeed, Jeffrey Lord, writing in the American Spectator, observes that Republicans John McCain, John Boehner, and others are acting like…

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WorldNetDaily: Outrage Over Mob Attack in Michigan

WorldNetDaily, a leading conservative news network, has published an exclusive article detailing the recent Muslim stoning of Christians at the 2012 Arab International Festival held in Dearborn, Michigan. The article claims that the Muslims’ violence, which was captured on video, was “[r]eminiscent of a rock-throwing ‘intifada’ scene…

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