CAIR — a Full-throated Participator in “Civilizational Jihad”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is the largest and best funded Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas front group in the U.S. Much has been documented by the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice regarding this organization’s ties to the terrorist funding mechanism at work in this country. Even…

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Kenyan Mall Jihadists Have Ties to United States

As we read more about the ongoing murderous attack by Muslim jihadists on the Kenyan upscale mall, where the terrorists purposefully avoided murdering Muslims, we learn from the now-terminated al Shabaab Twitter account the names of the jihadists and where they’re from. Looks like at least six…

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How Republicans Aid and Abet Obama’s Lawlessness

AFLC Advisory Board member Andy McCarthy says what was needed to be said in an article on National Review Online on the wanton violation of the material support laws by the Obama administration and the Republicans involvement in that lawlessness.  But what needs pondering is how fast…

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AFLC Making an Impact: Named in CAIR’s “Islamophobia” Report

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which bills itself as “the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization,” released a so-called report last Thursday entitled, “Legislating Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States,” which purports to identify dozens of organizations “dedicated to promoting anti-Islam prejudice…

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Former Clinton Foundation Official Arrested for Inciting Violent Jihad

Hillary Clinton had Huma Abedin and Bill Clinton had Gehad el-Haddad. The surprising storyline of the Clintons’ affinity for Muslim Brotherhood-linked employees took another turn this week when former top Clinton Foundation official Gehad el-Haddad, now a Muslim Brotherhood operative, was arrested in Cairo for inciting violent…

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Islam and 9/11

Today, September 11, 2013, is a solemn day of remembrance for Americans. Or, at least it should be.  For many of our fellow citizens, and for most of those who work inside the D.C. Beltway, the remembrance takes on a Kafkaesque quality.  Yes, they too remember the…

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AFLC Month in Review: August 2013

We are pleased to report to our supporters each month our significant activities and accomplishments, all of which are made possible by your generous support.  Here are the highlights for August 2013: On August 5, we announced that we negotiated a settlement agreement on behalf of our clients, the Center for…

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