Month in Review – May 2015

* On May 7, AFLC Senior Counsel Robert J. Muise appeared on Fox 2 Detroit’s “Let It Rip,” in defense of Pamela Geller, AFLC’s client who was exercising her First Amendment right to free speech by holding a Mohammad cartoon contest in Garland, Texas.  Two Muslim terrorists…

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Month in Review – June 2015

We are pleased to report to you our highlights for the month of June: * On June 1, a Michigan federal judge once again held that the Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas front group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), must pay legal fees and costs after AFLC successfully “quashed”…

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Commentary on SCOTUS Same-Sex “Marriage” Decision

In my humble (and decidedly non-Christian) view of the matter, even if only tentatively proffered, the proper policy move should be for states to de-institutionalize marriage and leave it up to private religious affiliation.  For benefits (i.e., tax or what have you), create a personal partnership license.…

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Islamic Jew Hatred . . .

The great myth is now subject to serious empirical doubt. That myth underlies the fact that Jew hatred in Europe is on the rise. The myth: it is due to a rise in nationalist and fascist leanings. The reality of the most recent surveys is that European…

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Calling All “Good” Muslim Allies . . .

As I noted in an earlier post, Bill O’Reilly’s verbal assault on Pamela Geller’s Mohammed cartoon contest as “stupid” is based on the faulty premise that if we but abide by Sharia’s anti-blasphemy laws (i.e., we don’t insult Muslims by drawing Mohammed), “good” Muslims and “moderate” Muslim…

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O’Reilly’s Line Drawing Hypocrisy

Bill O’Reilly of Fox News Channel fame is on a mission: destroy Pamela Geller as stupid and not Jesus-like. His argument (at least the “stupid” argument) is as follows: while there might be grounds to criticize what he calls “Radical Islam,” since we need the “good” Muslims…

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FBI: ISIS Jihadists Are in the U.S.

There are about 3 million Muslims in the United States.  The FBI tells us there could be thousands of Muslims receiving instructions via the Internet from ISIS, based upon the FBI’s latest threat assessment. Lets assume that means only 2,000. We will ignore for now the thousands…

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Month in Review – April 2015

We are pleased to report to you our highlights for the month of April: * On April 10th, we filed a “supplemental brief” in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (per the court’s request) in our lawsuit against King County, Seattle, WA. The County…

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Month in Review – March 2015

We are pleased to report to you our highlights for this month:  * On March 4th, AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert J. Muise presented oral argument before the full (en banc) U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (15 federal judges) in Bible Believers v.…

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Justice Delayed . . .

On October 7, 2013, AFLC filed a complaint on behalf of its clients AFDI, Pamela Geller, and Robert Spencer after King County refused to allow the following ad to run on county buses that service Seattle: King County’s refusal was all the more egregious when it had…

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