Anti-Muslim Is Anti-American? This Guy Is Pathetic.

To the progressives, any criticism of Islam/Sharia/Jihad is Islamophobia and bigotry.  Any criticism of Judaism and Christianity is progressive thinking.  NY Times editorial writer Charles Blow is a leftist blowhard who has seldom put two or more coherent thoughts together in his public writings and hardly disappoints…

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Month in Review – October 2015

We are pleased to report to you our highlights for the month of October: On October 3, AFLC Co-Founder & Senior Counsel Robert J. Muise gave a presentation on fighting for faith and freedom to a Catholic men’s group in Lake Orion, Michigan. On October 9, we…

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A Case Study in Lawfare

Every year for nearly two decades, in Dearborn, Michigan, the largest Arab-Muslim community in the U.S. occupied the streets and sidewalks of the city for the Arab International Festival.  Had this been a truly patriotic American embrace of Arab-American culture firmly dedicated to our liberties and national…

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Month in Review – September 2015

We are pleased to report to you our highlights for the month of September: On September 14, we filed our opening brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in our lawsuit challenging President Obama’s unlawful executive orders regarding the implementation and enforcement of…

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Never Forget!

On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists, guided by fundamental principles of sharia-mandated jihad against “infidels,” attacked U.S. soil and killed thousands of innocent American civilians. But that was not the end of the attack against America . . . it was just the beginning. On September 11,…

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Month in Review – August 2015

We are pleased to report to you our highlights for the month of August: On August 17, we filed our opening brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in a case in which a federal judge presiding over a five-year old lawsuit alleging that the…

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Month in Review – July 2015

We are pleased to report to you our highlights for the month of July: On July 1, AFLC filed a federal lawsuit against the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) for violating our clients’ free speech rights by changing its advertising policy so as to prevent the…

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Sharia Made Him Do It

What the Left/Islamic apologists and even Republicans in the main do not understand is this Imam was not fighting in Afghanistan as a friend of the West and foe of the Soviet Union. He was engaged in fulfilling his obligation to enlist to support a defensive jihad…

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Defend Marriage! Exercise Your Right to Free Speech!

Make no mistake, religious liberty is under attack.  And this attack has only increased since the Supreme Court’s recent decision on “same-sex marriage”—a decision that was an abomination from a legal and moral perspective. As Christian florists, photographers, bakers, and those who rent their property for weddings…

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AFLC: “Best in America” Charitable Organization

AFLC is now certified as a “Best in America” charitable organization. Here is what this seal means: “The Independent Charities Seal of Excellence is awarded to the members of Independent Charities of America and Local Independent Charities of America that have, upon rigorous independent review, been able…

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