Never Forget!


On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists, guided by fundamental principles of sharia-mandated jihad against “infidels,” attacked U.S. soil and killed thousands of innocent American civilians.

But that was not the end of the attack against America . . . it was just the beginning.

On September 11, 2012, Islamic jihadists stormed the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya and brutally murdered four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador.

The Obama administration covered up the attack, claiming that it was not an act of Islamic terrorism but a response to an amateur YouTube video that made fun of Mohammed.

In 2009, home grown Islamic terrorist Army Major Nadal Hasan killed 13 innocent people in cold blood while shouting “Allah Akbar” at Fort Hood in Texas.

Hasan was a jihadist motivated by sharia, but once again the Obama adminstration lied about the terrorist attack and labeled it as nothing more than “workplace violence.”

In Boston, we witnessed the work of Islamic jihadists who killed and maimed innocent American women and children simply because they were “infidels.”

And more recently, Islamic jihadists engaged in terrorist attacks in Garland, Texas and Chatanooga, Tennesee.

As you may recall, in his now infamous 2009 Cairo Speech, Obama made the following pledge to Muslims around the world:

“I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam whenever they appear.” 

This inability to identify and name our enemy has had devastating and dangerous effects.

It has allowed sharia-driven Muslims, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and its front groups such as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), to operate on our shores with impunity, as we have seen, and, unfortunately, will continue to see . . .

Make no mistake, sharia-adherent Islamists are today waging a war against America and its Judeo-Christian principles.

This threat is real.  And the American Freedom Law Center is confronting it like no other organization.

With your support and God’s blessing, we will ultimately succeed in this battle . . . because failure is not an option!

May God bless you . . . and may God bless America!