Robert J. Muise is an expert in constitutional law.  Since 2000, his law practice has been dedicated to defending religious liberties, the freedom of speech, and the right to life in state and federal trial and appellate courts all across the country.

In 2012, Mr. Muise, along with David Yerushalmi, co-founded the American Freedom Law Center, a national public interest law firm dedicated to fighting for faith and freedom and defending our Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values.

Through his work, Mr. Muise has appeared on national television programs such as The Kelly File with Megyn Kelly, the O’Reilly Factor, Hannity and Colmes, Freedom Watch, Fox and Friends, and the Glenn Beck Program, among others.  He has also been interviewed on numerous local and national radio shows and for many national and local newspapers and periodicals, including the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, and many others.  He was named the “Appellate Lawyer of the Week” by the National Law Journal on August 10, 2011.  Mr. Muise is also co-author of a scholarly article published in the Duke University Press’s Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, entitled, “Wearing the Crown of Solomon? Chief Justice Roberts and the Affordable Care Act ‘Tax.'”

Federal Judge Gerald Rosen, Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, has described Muise as

“one of the leading attorneys in the country in the area of protecting religious freedoms and speech.”

Professional Memberships

Prior to starting his constitutional law practice in 2000, Mr. Muise served thirteen years as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps.  He first served as an infantry officer for 9 years, during which time he participated in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in the Persian Gulf War. He then attended law school at the University of Notre Dame while he was a Captain on active duty.  He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Notre Dame Law School in 1997, and served several years as a Marine Judge Advocate.  Mr. Muise attained the rank of Major prior to resigning his commission in 2000.  His personal military decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal, and the Navy Achievement Medal.

Mr. Muise received his undergraduate degree in 1987 from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts.  He and his wife have twelve children.

When he is not litigating high-profile cases, Mr. Muise enjoys hunting (bow and gun).









Case highlights include, among others, the following:

United States v. LtCol Jeffrey Chessani, USMC, (successfully defended a Marine battalion commander from politically-motivated criminal charges arising out of an insurgent attack against his Marines in Haditha, Iraq in November 2005) 

Bible Believers v. Wayne County, (won a First Amendment civil rights lawsuit on behalf of a group of Christians who were ordered to leave an Arab Festival under threat of arrest after the Christians were assaulted by an angry mob of Muslim youth–the Wayne County sheriffs threatened to arrest the Christians because their message was “disturbing the peace”–the Sixth Circuit, sitting en banc (full court), ruled in favor of the Christians).

Saieg v. City of Dearborn, (successfully challenged the City’s restriction on a Christian pastor’s right to distribute religious literature to Muslims at an Arab festival)

Hansen v. Ann Arbor Public Schools, (successfully challenged the school district’s restriction on a Christian student’s right to express her religious views during the school’s “diversity week”)

City of Dearborn v. David Wood, et al., (successfully defended four Christian missionaries, who were criminally charged with breaching the peace because they were evangelizing Muslims at an Arab festival)

Nieto v. Flatau, (successfully challenged a speech restriction at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina that prohibited a retired combat Marine, who was grieving the loss of his son who was killed by Islamic terrorists on the USS Cole, from displaying various decals and signs on his vehicle condemning such acts because officials claimed that the decals and signs would offend Muslims)

Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Inc. v. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, (successfully defended a pro-life group’s free speech rights against the sheriff department’s unconstitutional application of a state statute)

Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Inc. v. City of Springboro, (successfully defended a pro-life group’s free speech rights and its members’ right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures against actions taken by two city police departments and the FBI)

City of Dearborn v. Jones, (successfully reversed a “peace bond” judgment and speech restricting injunction entered against a Christian pastor who wanted to hold a free speech rally outside of a local mosque)

Satawa v. Macomb County Road Commission, (successfully challenged the government’s restriction on the display of a nativity scene on a public median during Christmas, restoring the 60-year holiday tradition)

American Freedom Defense Initiative v. King County, (won a First Amendment civil rights lawsuit in the Ninth Circuit after King County refused to run the ad of a nonprofit organization on the County’s public buses based on the viewpoint of the ad)

Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, Inc. v. The Irvine Company, (won an important free speech case under the California Constitution, permitting the display of images of aborted fetuses in Pruneyard shopping centers)

American Freedom Defense Initiative v. Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation, (won an important First Amendment case, establishing precedent on the issue of viewpoint discrimination in a nonpublic forum)

Ness v. City of Bloomington, (won an important First Amendment case involving the right to videotape in a public forum)

Catholic Healthcare International, Inc. v. Genoa Charter Township, (granted a preliminary injunction permitting Catholic organization to use its private property for religious worship)